Dóra Tuczai among Hungary’s Top 50 Legal Executives

Compiled by Budapest Business Journal We are honoured to have our partner Dóra Tuczai included [...]

Can you get fired for a Facebook post? Be careful what you write about your employer!

A közösségi médiában tett bejegyzés, amennyiben sértheti a munkáltató hírnevét, alapos indok lehet a munkaviszony [...]

An Old-New Legal Institution in Hungary: Building Right (“Építményi jog”)

Effective from June 24, 2023, the Hungarian Civil Code has been amended, introducing a new [...]

Budlegal joined WIRAS Verbund

As part of our ongoing commitment to expanding our reach and expertise, we are thrilled [...]

Our lawyer on the Business Women’s Network team

Wir sind stolz darauf bekannt zu geben, dass unsere Kollegin bei Budlegal, dr. Andrea Lantos, [...]

IR Global Central and Eastern Europe Regional Conference in Budapest

We are pleased to announce that budlegal had the honor of hosting IR Global Central [...]

NAIH Imposes 30 Million Forint Fine on Budapest Beauty Center for Data Protection Violations

Decesion examines the data management affecting the personal data of employees and customers On February [...]

Is a managing director-member (Ltd.) allowed to vote on his own mandate?

The analysis of the question included in the title – and for the sake of [...]